Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lucid Dreaming

Removing from  Archiving here...

Merlin dreamed that it was morning and Arthur entered his room. The prince strode to the window and threw open the shutters.
"Are you going to sleep all day? Get up!"
In his dream Merlin sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"Hurry up, lazybones. It's time for your breakfast." Arthur used his boot to push Merlin off of his cot onto the stone floor.
"Ow.." said Merlin. He picked himself up and turned to find Arthur holding out Merlin's old blue shirt, and his pants slung over his arm. Merlin took the shirt and put it on, then continued donning the pants, socks and boots Arthur profrerred to him. Arthur tapped his foot impatiently until he was done.
"Turn around, idiot." Merlin obeyed and Arthur proceeded to tie his neckerchief round his neck in the usual fashion, then pointed toward the table in Gaius' common room. "Now go sit down."
Merlin sat down at the table in front of Gaius, who was already there. Moments later, Arthur produced two bowls of lumpy porridge with spoons for the physician and the servant.
"Well, eat!" said Arthur.
Merlin ate.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" asked Arthur,
"Like what?"
Arthur was incredulous. "Instructions, perhaps?"
"My instructions?"
This was the point where Merlin realized he was dreaming. I can tell him to do anything and he'll do it, he thought.
"Very well then, my instructions..."
Merlin tried to think about it. The trouble with dreaming is that the part of your brain that usually does the thinking is dormant. It was surprisingly difficult. Arthur's impatience was growing obvious, so Merlin said the first thing that popped into his head.
"Girls," he said. "There should be more girls at Camelot. Pretty ones." Then he remembered Lady Vivian, and decided to be more specific. "Pretty but nice. Can you arrange that?"
"How am I supposed to bring girls to Camelot? We've got plenty of girls here."
"You're only saying that because you've got Gwen."
"No I'm not,"
"Yes you are. Because you're almost always thinking of yourself. But really, this is actually in your best interest. Have you noticed how all of the knights in Camelot look at Gwen? The only one not in love with her in Elyan, and that's only because he's her brother. To be honest, I find myself thinking about Gwen too. I'm male. I can't help it."
Suddenly Arthur's sword was in his hand. "What did you say?"
Merlin was suddenly nervous. "You asked for my instructions and I gave them," he said. "More girls." Arthur was moving in a troubling way. "No need to get Angry Arthur. Why are you pulling your sword? Isn't it me in control of this dream?"
"Tell me more about these thoughts you have about Guinevere."
The sword was leveled right in front of Merlin's nose, making him feel a bit cross-eyed.
"She's a nice girl. That's all. Nothing more. Put that away, Arthur."
"That's not all, is it? How dare you think about her like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you just admitted. I going to teach you to show some respect,"
Arthur reached out and helped Merlin to his feet by seizing him by the scruff of the neckerchief.
"Ow, Arthur, let me go. She's just very pretty. Everyone knows that. No need to get angry. Arthur!"
Arthur was pushing Merlin against a stone wall and swinging his sword.
Merlin, terrified, reacted without thinking. Then he woke up with a start.
He rubbed his eyes. All was dark and quiet. It wasn't even time to get up yet. Merlin sighed gratefully and went back to sleep.
Five minutes later, Arthur Pendragon woke on the castle roof, under the pre-dawn sky, in nothing but his underwear.

Gwaine Necklace Challenge

I'm taking this down from and archiving it here...

Gwaine and the Necklace: A Writing Challenge!
Gwaine wears a chain, and on the chain is hung two items: a gold ring and a silver object. What is the significance of this necklace? Where did it come from? Why does Gwaine wear it? Surely it has a story behind it that is important to the character of Gwaine.
So here is a challenge! Write your own version of the story of Gwaine and the Necklace. Call your story "Gwaine and the Necklace: _" (you make up the last word or words of the title), and post it here on FanFiction. Post reviews for the stories you like. The story with the most reviews by the end of January 31, 2012 is the winner!

A Few More Rules:
We've had some awesome questions and suggestions that lead us to add a few more details for the contest:
There will be three categories of stories, and a winner will arise from each:
- Oneshot (Single-chapter)
- Midlength (2-10 Chapters)
- Long (11 or more chapters)
Multi-chapter stories must have at least 600 words per chapter.
Reviews must be "signed" in order to count. Sorry – we know that one is painful! But we need to keep it as fair as possible, and that will help.
I will be participating, but will not be considered elligible to win.
We appeal to your sense of integrity as you play! Write the best story you can and be true to that story in how you present it. Then trust the material to bring you votes. It is a far, far better thing to participate with integrity than to win without it! And we don't want to have to saddle everyone with too many annoying rules.
Feel free to call it a "pendant". (Aparently a chain round the neck is commonly called different things in different parts of the world. That is so cool to discover!) But please do stick with the title format using the word "necklace" so we all can find your story and give you reviews.
We so look forward to reading your stories!
-Mrs Bonner

A Few More Rules:
We've had some awesome questions and suggestions that lead us to add a few more details for the contest:
There will be three categories of stories, and a winner will arise from each:
Oneshot (Single-chapter)
Midlength (2-10 Chapters)
Long (11 or more chapters)
Multi-chapter stories must have at least 600 words per chapter.
Reviews must be "signed" in order to count. Sorry – we know that one is painful! But we need to keep it as fair as possible, and that will help.
I will be participating, but will not be considered elligible to win.
We appeal to your sense of integrity as you play! Write the best story you can and be true to that story in how you present it. Then trust the material to bring you votes. It is a far, far better thing to participate with integrity than to win without it! And we don't want to have to saddle everyone with too many annoying rules.
Feel free to call it a "pendant". (Aparently a chain round the neck is commonly called different things in different parts of the world. That is so cool to discover!) But please do stick with the title format using the word "necklace" so we all can find your story and give you reviews.
We so look forward to reading your stories!
-Mrs Bonner
Below is the Original Challenge:
Gwaine and the Necklace: A Writing Challenge!
Have you noticed that when Eoin Macken goes for a TV interview he wears Gwaine's necklace? And the people interviewing don't ever notice and never ask him about it!
Gwaine wears a chain, and on the chain is hung two items: a gold ring and a silver object. What is the significance of this necklace? Where did it come from? Why did the costume designer create this item, and why does Gwaine wear it? If Eoin Macken chooses to wear it for interviews, surely it has a story behind it that is important to the character of Gwaine.
So here is a challenge! Write your own version of the story of Gwaine and the Necklace. Call your story "Gwaine and the Necklace: _" (you make up the last word or words), and post it here on FanFiction. Post reviews for the stories you like. The story with the most reviews by the end of January 31, 2012 is the winner!
I can't wait to read what we all write... Cheers, and good luck!
-Mrs Bonner